The Fertility Game


So at 29 I find myself at home with a baby, having quit my advertising job after a short and uninspiring run. I would get into what it’s like working at an ad agency in Dubai, but I’ll save that for many many posts later. So it seems simple right: quit the fast-paced career, stay at home, breed little babies, cook the food, support the hubby.  In my case it all happened so fast it was a shock to the system. We got pregnant before we even officially entered the whole “we’re trying” phase, which was a true blessing. For many of my friends, though, things haven’t been so easy. It doesn’t really make sense. They’re all in their 20s! Yet, they find themselves caught up in the ‘fertility’ waiting game.

It is almost too ironic. You get married in your mid to late 20s, you settle in, fix up your apartment, wait for that ‘right’ moment when you are just fed up enough with your job and ready enough in your relationship and nest-making to finally say “let’s try,” “let’s do this.” And then…nothing. And for a couple of my friends, even worse; health-related discoveries. That’s just not supposed to happen at 29. Not according to Sex and the City or Friends, right? And these are the friends who have been married a couple of years, what about the ones who aren’t even close to being married? Well, it all sounds too gloomy for the future of mankind, and life doesn’t play out the way that we think it will, so maybe some of my friends will get married at 35 and have kids at 37, but it still makes the chant grow louder in your head.

Okay, so enough obsessing and doomsday predictions. Why do all these ladies’ ovarian states matter to me so much?

We’re trying to create more than babies here, we’re trying for something bigger than a baby, a family, happiness, knowing we did it RIGHT….(to be continued)

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